Get ready to learn something new in just a few minutes with our Tea Break Tip Training Videos. In less time than it takes to make a brew, let lighting designer Andrew Orange build your lighting knowledge in simple to understand steps.
How to Successfully Use LED Downlights
Downlighting is a fundemental lighting technique to master, so understanding how to avoid the common mistake of using them too much is essential.
Watch Andrew succinctly explain 4 key ways to successfully include downlighting in your next lighting design.
Tea Break Tips: Your 2 minute CPD!
Andrew Orange, the owner of Orange Lighting qualified and worked as an interior designer in 1993 before specialising in lighting working on high profile projects based in London. Since starting Orange Lighting Ltd in 2003 he has been sharing his knowledge and unique teaching style mostly to his designer clients, offering practical real life advice born from running a busy consultancy and lighting supply business. Launching in 2020, his blog has evolved into Quick & Easy Lighting, curating some 25 years design experience into making the lighting choice and design process achievable and easy to understand for all.